
Kris Verdonck / A Two Dogs Company – K, A Society

Kris Verdonck’s K, A Society must surely be one of the most exciting installations and/or performances of the past year. Previous work has learned that his ability to create scenes and atmospheres that often go beyond the surreal, is truly inspiring and knows no borders. With this installation he, yet again, proves us his skill as he takes his spectators on a guided tour of a building where his works are displayed at different locations.

Time, space, reality, suicide and society are just some of the notions Verdonck investigates, as he takes us an a trip through different sceneries. His playfulness with the opposing concepts of reality and fiction, shows through extensive use of the medium film. The innovative way he uses space and installs his works in the rooms is to be admired: through dialogue with the surrounding areas, his installations gain spherical qualities, both in the positive as in the negative space.

As Verdonck asks his spectators at the start of the performance that he or she “mustn’t in any way seek meaning or coherence between the different installations”, the spectator gets pushed in more or less the same position of a little child that is asked not to eat the cookies that are standing right in front of him, on the top shelf of the cupboard; the spectators are stimulated to reflect on what he or she is seeing, just like the little kid is stimulated to get those cookies that have come right out of the oven, infusing the living room with the scent of chocolate and cinnamon. It is one of the playful paradoxes that mark Kris Verdonck’s way of thinking and give K, A Society a humorous and spontaneous touch.

An absolute must-see! K, A Society plays from the 26th of February until the 6th of March 2011 at Performatik festival in Kaaitheater, Brussels. More information over here: http://www.atwodogscompany.org

Hannes Dereere

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