

Exams are right around the corner for most of you, and I know a little time-waster can be very helpful to get yourself back on the happy-track when you are trying to stuff your head full with knowledge in a too short timespan. If you find yourself tearing your hairs out as a result of frustration in combination with a cafeine overdose, a little game always proves useful tot ease the mind.

Icycle is pretty simple: a little balding guy rides his bike naked in what appears to be a new ice age. You have to bring him safely through eight levels. What makes this game so special and definitely worth playing, is its very neat design, its superb little sound-effects and the great artwork.

Play here. Enjoy!


  1. Topscore bedraagt momenteel 21421 punten (12 keer dood en 231 bubbels is dat!), bewijs is voorhanden in de vorm van een printscreen.

    Ik daag Felix uit want die heeft toch niets te doen op dit moment!

  2. Ik had gisteren 22000 ofzo, toto is onverslaanbaar.
